Should you appreciate your back?

Posted by on Jun 27, 2013 in Blog | 0 comments

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Most people don’t appreciate how important their back is until they lose it.  For those who have suffered a bought of low back or disc pain you understand how much you rely on your back for absolutely everything you do.  In an acute back attack even leaning forward brushing your teeth feels like a torture.

Many people who experience this back pain are motivated to correct the problem so that this never happens again.  Unfortunately there is a tendency to believe that No Pain means there’s No Problem.  Yet once the pain has resolved the motivation which inspired the proactive steps dissipates and the urgency to continue care fades.

And as such, other more pressing issues take precedence and your back is neglected on the back burner.  That is, until it acts up again.

I’ve seen many people discontinue their recommended care after the pain has resolved believing they are better only to return in 6 months to a year with the exact same issue.  One of the things I hear patients say is, “you really fixed me up good last time and I didn’t need to come see you until now.”   Can you guess what goes through my mind?
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I didn’t really fix you up last time.  Iceberg Info Graph Template 404x404

We got you out of pain but the underlying conditions were never corrected or maintained.  Instead the stress is allowed to build up in the structures of the back until it gives out like the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back again.

Spinal Correction is a process and like any process it requires time, focus and energy.  Pain is usually the end result of a degenerative condition.  But pain is just the tip of the iceberg.  The underlying conditions are what brought about the pain and unless you address those conditions you are setting yourself up to have history repeat itself.

Those who understand the value of caring for their back enjoy better health, mobility and quality of life sooner and for longer.

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