3 Delicious and Nutritious Breakfasts in Less Than 5 Minutes

Posted by on Jan 30, 2015 in Blog | 0 comments

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Now that the New Year’s here and we’re back into the swing of things I thought it would be a good time to share some of my easy and healthy breakfast tips to keep you on the right track.  We can all use a good hearty and energy packed breakfast in the morning but who’s got the time?  Here are 3 quick, nutritious and tasty breakfasts all under 5 min!!

  1. Hard boiled eggs– boil up 1-2 eggs for each morning on Sunday night (eg. 2 eggs x 4 breakfasts = 8 eggs) and pop them in the fridge with the egg shells on.  In the morning, peel your eggs, slice them up, add a pinch of salt, fresh ground pepper and drizzle 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil on top.  Add half an avocado, 1 slice of toast and some veggies to boost up the nutrients!
  1. Oatmeal– especially in the cold winter a hot bowl of oatmeal really hits the spot but cooking it every morning can be time consuming. Here’s the key: use whole flake oats or steel cut oats (no instant or quick varieties- they’re processed!) and cook up a nice big batch in water that will last a few meals. Note: ½ cup uncooked oats is a good size for one breakfast serving so 2 cups will give you 4 breakfast meals.  Transfer the batch to a glass container and store in your fridge. For breakfast, scoop out a few tablespoons into a bowl, add some water and reheat it for 15 seconds in the microwave.  Add in your yummy fixings: cinnamon, fresh berries, banana slices, walnuts, almonds, 1 tablespoon of maple syrup, 1 teaspoon unsweetened cocoa (for those chocolate lovers!).

*Protein boost- to up your breakfast protein intake add ¼ scoop of your favorite protein powder to your bowl of oatmeal! You may want to add a little extra water before you reheat for 15 seconds, then just stir and add your toppings.

  1. Protein Smoothies– one of my all-time favourite breakfast recommendations for people in a rush, looking to lose weight or often skipping breakfast is protein smoothies! These smoothies are quick, delicious, nutrient and protein packed providing your body and brain with the energy it needs to kick start the day.  Best of all, it’s all in a cup that you can drink on your way to work.  All you need is a protein powder, frozen or fresh fruits and veggies, water and a blender.

Here’s one of my favourite smoothies, I call it Banana Bread:

  • 1 scoop of unflavoured or vanilla protein powder
  • 1 banana (frozen or fresh)
  • ½ cup walnuts
  • ½ avocado
  • 1 cup coconut almond milk or filtered water
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon

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Blend together and enjoy your creamy delicious breakfast! Depending on your preference, you may want to add more liquid to your smoothie. ND tip: the key is to be creative and use foods or flavors you enjoy so that you look forward to your breakfast!  Remember, when making your own meals you are minimizing excess sugars, artificial processing, preservatives and additives, and therefore already taking the first step to improving your health!

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